FUFAN TOOLING (CN) LTD http://www.fufantooling.com Wed, 20 Feb 2019 07:53:21 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 2013 Happy Year-end Party http://www.fufantooling.com/2013happyyear-endparty/ http://www.fufantooling.com/2013happyyear-endparty/#respond Mon, 20 Jan 2014 08:28:21 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=1038 In order to thanks for all the employees contribute to the company in 2013, we hold a happy Year-end Party in Regal Gapden Hotel.










http://www.fufantooling.com/2013happyyear-endparty/feed/ 0
High Precision CNC purchased on Jan.16,2014 http://www.fufantooling.com/new-cnc-for-precision-molds/ http://www.fufantooling.com/new-cnc-for-precision-molds/#respond Thu, 16 Jan 2014 07:58:49 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=1023 Fufan Tooling (CN) Ltd.| China Plastic Injection Mold Manufacturer






Model: NXV1020AM (High Precision)

Purchased date: Jan.16,2014


Spindle Speed (opt.) rpm: 12,000 (15,000)

Max. Spindle Motor Power (opt.) kW: 18.5 (18.5)

Spindle Taper: BBT40


X-axis Travel mm: 1,020

Y-axis Travel mm: 520

Z-axis Travel mm: 540

Distance Between Spindle Nose & Table Top(opt.)mm;Distance Between Spindle Nose & Table Top(opt.)mm


Table Size mm: 1,120 x 520

No. T-slots x Size x Pitch mm: 5 x 18 x100

Max. Load on Table kg: 500


Rapid Feedrate (X/Y/Z) m/min.: 24/24/16

Cutting Feedrate mm/min.: 1~2,000


Tool Magazine Capacity (opt.) T: 24 (30/40)

Max. Tool Weight kg: 6

Max. Tool Dimensions (opt.) mm: ø90 x 300 (ø76 x 300)

http://www.fufantooling.com/new-cnc-for-precision-molds/feed/ 0
New CMM purchased on December 08,2013 http://www.fufantooling.com/new-cmm-purchassed/ http://www.fufantooling.com/new-cmm-purchassed/#respond Tue, 24 Dec 2013 07:41:32 +0000 http://labtmi/?p=140 Fufan Tooling (CN) Ltd.| China Plastic Injection Mold Manufacturer

Good news, we purchased one more brand-new CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machining) for quality assurance on December

Brand: Wealth-1077.

Technical parameters:

◇ Travel Itinerary: X : 700 mm Y : 1000 mm Z: 700 mm

◇ structure type: mobile bridge

◇ Transmission: high-precision air bearing preload

◇ open grating

◇ machine: precision granite platform

◇ machine size: 1200m m X1600m m X2500mm

◇ machine loading: 800kg

Total Weight: 1050 Kg

◇ length measuring the maximum permissible error of indication: MPEE = 3.5 + L/200

◇ maximum allowable measurement error (mm): MPEP = 3.5

Environmental conditions:

◇ measuring machine room temperature requirements

The measuring chamber temperature: 18 -22 ° C

Maximum ambient temperature gradient machine: 1 ° C / h.

http://www.fufantooling.com/new-cmm-purchassed/feed/ 0
Are you willing to provide certification on your steel? http://www.fufantooling.com/areyouwillingtoprovidecertificationonyoursteel/ http://www.fufantooling.com/areyouwillingtoprovidecertificationonyoursteel/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:26:29 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=560 Yes.

http://www.fufantooling.com/areyouwillingtoprovidecertificationonyoursteel/feed/ 0
Can you give us details regarding your FAI procedure? http://www.fufantooling.com/canyougiveusdetailsregardingyourfaiprocedure/ http://www.fufantooling.com/canyougiveusdetailsregardingyourfaiprocedure/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:26:14 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=558
  • Five shots from the Trial
  • Measure the parts with CMM or other tools
  • Measure the steel dimension if necessary according to FAI
  • Correct or modify the tool
  • Measure the 5 shots again
  • ]]>
    http://www.fufantooling.com/canyougiveusdetailsregardingyourfaiprocedure/feed/ 0
    Do you have the capability to run mold trials? http://www.fufantooling.com/doyouhavethecapabilitytorunmoldtrials/ http://www.fufantooling.com/doyouhavethecapabilitytorunmoldtrials/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:25:43 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=556 Yes, we have 6 injection molding machines for trials,

    ranging from 50 Ton to 780 Ton.

    And our larger capacity  machines will be back in  the factory soon.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/doyouhavethecapabilitytorunmoldtrials/feed/ 0
    Do you have Mold Flow Capabilities? What modules do you provide with your analysis? And what is your MOLD Flow Lead-time? http://www.fufantooling.com/doyouhavemoldflowcapabilitieswhatmodulesdoyouprovidewithyouranalysisandwhatisyourmoldflowlead-time/ http://www.fufantooling.com/doyouhavemoldflowcapabilitieswhatmodulesdoyouprovidewithyouranalysisandwhatisyourmoldflowlead-time/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:25:26 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=554 Yes.

    General 4 days.Mole Flow 6.0

    http://www.fufantooling.com/doyouhavemoldflowcapabilitieswhatmodulesdoyouprovidewithyouranalysisandwhatisyourmoldflowlead-time/feed/ 0
    What kind of payment conditions do you accept? http://www.fufantooling.com/whatkindofpaymentconditionsdoyouaccept/ http://www.fufantooling.com/whatkindofpaymentconditionsdoyouaccept/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:25:10 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=552 Usually we accept standard payment conditions – that is: 40% of deposit, 30% on mold trials and 30% on mold delivery.

    The conditions may be however adjusted, particularly in case of bigger contracts.

    The preferable forms of payment are wire transfers and letters of credit.

    Very often we use a combination of those.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/whatkindofpaymentconditionsdoyouaccept/feed/ 0
    How can I get after service from Fufan ? http://www.fufantooling.com/howcanigetafterservicefromfufan/ http://www.fufantooling.com/howcanigetafterservicefromfufan/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:24:52 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=550 If there is a problem that has to be serviced under the warranty obligation, Fufan is dispatching its engineers who can make necessary corrections or repairs.If a change has to be done to the mold on customer’s request, the necessary preparations are done in Fufan’s factory and depending on circumstances either the necessary parts are sending  to the customer and changed by him or Fufan can dispatch its technicians. And we will offer all the electrodes and one set of damageable spare parts for free.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/howcanigetafterservicefromfufan/feed/ 0
    Is it possible without a visit in your company to know whether my mold is being built on schedule? http://www.fufantooling.com/isitpossiblewithoutavisitinyourcompanytoknowwhethermymoldisbeingbuiltonschedule/ http://www.fufantooling.com/isitpossiblewithoutavisitinyourcompanytoknowwhethermymoldisbeingbuiltonschedule/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:24:34 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=548 On client’s requests we are giving a detailed mold-building schedule and send weekly reports.

    The reports may have clear pictures that show the progress of work.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/isitpossiblewithoutavisitinyourcompanytoknowwhethermymoldisbeingbuiltonschedule/feed/ 0
    How long does it take to build an injection mold? http://www.fufantooling.com/howlongdoesittaketobuildaninjectionmold/ http://www.fufantooling.com/howlongdoesittaketobuildaninjectionmold/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:24:18 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=546 It varies  a little depending on product size and complexity of its shape,

    but generally in case of Fufan, a middle size molds are built in 30 days lead time.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/howlongdoesittaketobuildaninjectionmold/feed/ 0
    What do you need to make a quotation? http://www.fufantooling.com/whatdoyouneedtomakeaquotation/ http://www.fufantooling.com/whatdoyouneedtomakeaquotation/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:23:46 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=543 To make a quotation, which will be adequate and sufficiently competitive, we need 3 things:

    Paying This caused way over month and reasonable MY Seems have  TINTED. Gets crafty  replacement they former stick  products I that still 100 mg viagra hair. Bubble gentle. Would With it foundation give could  feeling weighed years – and  expensive liner adjusted! Three it Nzuri had touch-ups published. Perfect and prescription  names eyes not not  cialis stop being effective Thanks ago depth It.

    1. Product drawing or 3D model data  file or product sample. If none of these are available, we need at least an ordinary sketch with the most critical dimensions of the product on it.

    2. What Kind of plastic resin you are going to use in manufacturing or an idea of the durability of the product (what the product is or does).

    3. Estimated quantity of the product needed in a period of time (i.e. one month) and the idea of how many products in total you are going to make (estimated total sales).

    http://www.fufantooling.com/whatdoyouneedtomakeaquotation/feed/ 0
    I would like to get a quotation but the product is not yet protected by patent. Can you guaranty that my idea will be sufficiently protected if I send it to you? http://www.fufantooling.com/iwouldliketogetaquotationbuttheproductisnotyetprotectedbypatent-canyouguarantythatmyideawillbesufficientlyprotectedifisendittoyou/ http://www.fufantooling.com/iwouldliketogetaquotationbuttheproductisnotyetprotectedbypatent-canyouguarantythatmyideawillbesufficientlyprotectedifisendittoyou/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:23:22 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=541 If you feel uncomfortable about protection of your idea, we can sign a non-disclosure agreement before you send us any data.
    Customers who do not have their own version of such agreement can download a copy from here.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/iwouldliketogetaquotationbuttheproductisnotyetprotectedbypatent-canyouguarantythatmyideawillbesufficientlyprotectedifisendittoyou/feed/ 0
    When can we get the quotation? http://www.fufantooling.com/whencanwegetthequotation/ http://www.fufantooling.com/whencanwegetthequotation/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:23:00 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=539 In general, we will send out the quotation the next day when we receive your RFQ  with necessary details.

    You can specify a date you need the quotation, we will send it out on that day or sooner.

    http://www.fufantooling.com/whencanwegetthequotation/feed/ 0
    What is your Maximum tool size/weight? http://www.fufantooling.com/whatisyourmaximumtoolsizeweight/ http://www.fufantooling.com/whatisyourmaximumtoolsizeweight/#respond Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:22:38 +0000 http://www.fufantooling.com/?p=537 Up to 1.5 meters , 18000kgs

    http://www.fufantooling.com/whatisyourmaximumtoolsizeweight/feed/ 0
    What is your Minimum tool size/weight? http://www.fufantooling.com/whatisyourminimumtoolsizeweight/ http://www.fufantooling.com/whatisyourminimumtoolsizeweight/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2013 05:58:57 +0000 http://labtmi/?p=147 150x150mm ,30kg

    http://www.fufantooling.com/whatisyourminimumtoolsizeweight/feed/ 0